Why you Should Give a Thought to Adopting a Vertical Storage Solution for your Warehouse

The recurrent outbreak of pandemics is keeping organizations on their toes. To keep the pandemic numbers within limits, governments impose certain regulations and guidelines like lockdowns and working in shifts. Both measures affect warehouses that deal with eCommerce businesses directly. A sudden rise in demand puts an excessive load on operations, and working with a skeleton workforce induces complexity. Advancements in automation have empowered the warehousing industry with Vertical Storage Solutions and technologies such as Vertical Lift Modules (VLM).


Here are some of the reasons why you should consider vertical storage solutions for your warehouse.
  • Enough space to maintain social safety protocols

Constantly changing safety standards and protocols for workers in warehouses makes organizations reevaluate the way they operate their facilities. Workers work in closer proximity to each other in warehouse facilities or factories. The recurring outbreak of pandemics raises concerns about these prevailing practices and their repercussions on workers’ health.

An effective warehousing solution eradicates the shortcomings of traditional warehousing solutions and lays has a direct impact on workers’ health and the profitability of the warehouse.

For instance, in a VLM the width of the bay is more than five feet. In a warehouse facility, various vertical lift systems are installed next to each other. The width of VLM easily enforces the six-foot minimum distance pandemic protocol between workers. A worker picks stuff directly from the VLM bay. The inventory is then condensed into a small footprint cart. This disinfects the floor.

  • Sustainability with increased efficiency

Vertical Lift Module

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a turnover rate of 46.1% for Transportation, Warehousing, & Utilities. Vertical Storage Systems have become an ideal choice to increase productivity, irrespective of the higher employee turnover.

The efficiency of the dual-bay delivery system and the pick-to-light systems easily guide workers to select the right item. It also requires fewer resources to process the same number of orders. The result can be quite overwhelming with a single operator performing up to 120 picks per hour.

Labor issues like shortfall and reorganized shifts due to the pandemic, do not hamper the overall efficiency of floor operations. It takes barely 30 minutes to train new resources on vertical lift modules.

  • Better and faster return on investment

Every business prefers making investments that yield a quicker return on investment. Depending on the overall size of the project, a facility starts generating a return on investment ranging from 6 to 18 months using Vertical storage system solutions.

Easy assembly and installation are two important parameters of vertical storage solutions that ensure a faster rate of recovery.

Improve Warehouse RoI
  • Reduction in mispack

Manual Picking

In the eCommerce business, numerous items are shipped to clients everyday. With traditional and manual pick-up systems, the chances of delivering wrong or damaged items to customers go up. Mispack has two direct disadvantages. They affect the overall productivity and efficiency.

Reports suggest that each mispack costs an organization up to $100. Just imagine the combined effect mispacks can have on the profitability of your organization.

Vertical Storage Solutions eliminate this drawback of traditional storage systems. Their Pick-to-light system helps workers select the right items easily. This reduces dependence on human judgement to deliver the right item, and saves your facility from incurring losses.

  • Robust productivity and space optimization

In warehouse operations, space and manpower costs form a majority of the warehouse budget. Purchasing extra space for warehouse storage is not the ideal choice.

By implementing a VLM instead of a traditional shelving system, organizations can reduce their total footprint by 90 percent. Optimum use of space saves on fixed and variable costs. Organizations using vertical storage systems break even faster.

Space optimisation
  • Accelerate warehousing operations

The Vertical Storage Solution is very useful in the eCommerce business. Its pick-to-light systems guide workers to select the right item, reduce their handling times and costs. The dual delivery bay offers higher picking rates by delivering multiple trays simultaneously. This feature adds speed and accuracy to warehousing functions that directly affect their efficiency.

Inlogsys, the Right Choice

As leaders in integrated and fully automated intralogistics, Inlogsys can optimize your eCommerce warehouse solutions with our advanced technological solutions. Our storage and automation enhance your ability to deliver products as per the customer’s needs. Our Vertical Lift Module can help you grow activities internally without having to build new buildings or merge numerous facilities. Use VLM to optimize your storage capacity while occupying the smallest possible space. Get in touch with us to know how.