Benefits of Material Handling Automation Solutions

In the modern world, it is vital for businesses to embrace automation in order to stay competitive. There is an increased demand for faster and more efficient production. One way to meet this demand is by employing material handling automation solutions.

Material handling automation solutions have become increasingly popular in recent years, and they offer a number of benefits to both the companies that employ them and their customers.

This article will look at how incorporating automated material handling solutions into your business operations can increase efficiency and reduce costs over time.

What Is a Material Handling Automation System?

Material Handling Automation System

Material handling automation solutions are systems and equipment that automate the movement, storage, and distribution of materials within a manufacturing or logistics facility. These solutions can help businesses increase efficiency, improve safety, and reduce costs associated with manual labor.

A material handling automation system involves the use of robots or automated conveyor lines that are used to store and transport items throughout a manufacturing facility. These machines can be programmed with custom settings so they can move objects such as containers through different areas without requiring any manual labor. This reduces costs associated with human labor while increasing efficiency at both single-site facilities and across multiple locations.

Key Components of Material Handling Automation Solutions

  1. Conveyors: Conveyors are a common component of material handling automation solutions. They transport materials between different areas of a facility- from manufacturing processes to storage to shipping. 
  2. Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS): Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems AS/RS are computer-controlled systems that automatically store and retrieve materials from a warehouse or storage area. They can be used to increase storage capacity and improve inventory management. 
  3. Robotics: Robotics can be used in material handling automation to perform tasks such as palletizing, depalletizing, sorting, and transporting materials. They can help reduce the need for manual labor and increase efficiency. 
  1. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs): AGVs are self-guided vehicles that transport materials within a facility. They can be programmed to follow specific paths and can be used to move materials between different areas of a facility. 
  2. Pick and Place Systems: Pick and place systems are used to automatically pick up and place materials, such as boxes or containers, onto a conveyor or other transport system. 
  3. Control Systems: Material handling automation solutions rely on computer control systems to coordinate and monitor the movement of materials within a facility. These systems can be programmed to optimize workflow and reduce errors. 

How does an Automated Material Handling System work?

A material handling automation solution works by utilizing a combination of technologies to automate the movement, storage, and distribution of materials within a facility. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how a material handling automation solution typically works:

  1. Material input: The system receives raw materials or finished goods into the facility, either from suppliers or from other areas of the facility.
  2. Material storage: The system uses automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) to store materials in a designated storage area, such as a warehouse or distribution center.
  3. Material handling: The system uses conveyors, robotics, or automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to transport materials from the storage area to different areas of the facility, such as manufacturing or assembly lines, quality control areas, or shipping areas.
  4. Material processing: The system uses robotics or pick and place systems to process materials, such as sorting, palletizing, or depalletizing.
  5. Material output: The system sends finished goods or packaged products to a designated output area, such as a shipping dock or storage area.
  6. Control and monitoring: The system utilizes computer control systems to monitor and coordinate the movement of materials within the facility, optimizing workflow and reducing errors.

The automation solution can be customized based on the specific needs of a facility and the type of materials being handled. Implementing a material handling automation solution can provide numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency, improved safety, and reduced labor costs.

Tasks Performed by Material Handling Automation System

  1. Transporting materials: The system can transport materials between different areas of a facility, such as between manufacturing processes or from storage to shipping.
  2. Storing and retrieving materials: The system can automatically store and retrieve materials from a warehouse or storage area, utilizing AS/RS technology.
  3. Palletizing and depalletizing: The system can automatically stack or unstack pallets of materials, using robotics technology.
  4. Sorting materials: The system can sort materials based on size, weight, or other criteria, using robotics or pick and place systems.
  5. Moving materials within a facility: The system can use AGVs to move materials from one area of a facility to another, without the need for manual labor.
  6. Controlling material flow: The system utilizes computer control systems to monitor and coordinate the movement of materials within the facility, optimizing workflow and reducing errors.

The Benefits of Material Handling Automation Solutions

Below are some of the key reasons for businesses to invest in material handling automation solutions.  

Reduced Labor Costs: The most obvious advantage is that automated material handling systems require fewer personnel than manual labor does, reducing costs related to hiring employees or contractors. Additionally, because robots do not need breaks or vacations like humans do, businesses can reap higher returns from their investment over time.  

Increased Efficiency: By automating certain processes such as moving items from one point within a facility to another eliminates redundancies caused by human error or slow response times which results in increased efficiency throughout all operations related to product flow management. 

Improved Safety: Manual lifting methods involve risks for workers due to potential injuries while operating heavy machinery; however, automated equipment significantly reduces these risks while providing greater control over materials movement within the workplace. An added benefit is improved environmental safety since hazardous substances are handled more carefully without contact with people directly exposed during traditional labor practices increasing everyone’s level of protection when working in an environment containing hazardous materials on site.  

Productivity Boosting: By implementing a material handling automation system you could potentially double productivity levels within all operational processes with an expected 20% decrease in labor expenses. 

Error Reduction: Automated systems drastically cut down on human errors by taking the place of manual procedures which are known sources of error when dealing with packing, moving and sorting different goods or materials. 

Cost Cutting Potentialities: Companies who adopt this technology experience long term cost savings through replacing costly traditional warehousing activities such as space utilization, communications flows between internal/external partners and greater transport capacity planning accuracy – reducing unnecessary costs for companies operating large warehouses, etc. 

Choose Inlogsys for All Your Material Handling Needs 

There are many reasons why businesses should consider switching over to material handling automation solutions amongst other benefits listed above which makes it worth looking into if you own any kind of company dealing with logistics.  

The use of automation in material handling has become crucial to supply chain processes. For all your material handling needs, Inlogsys offers all of that and much more. We provide the most up-to-date material handling solutions such as Gantry Robots, Automated Truck Loading System, Continuous Pallet Lifters, Shuttle & Satellites, Stacker Cranes, AGVs & Robots for your logistics business. Contact us if you’re looking for a more affordable, flexible, and scalable material handling system.